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What content needs to be optimized for app store optimization?

What content needs to be optimized for app store optimization?

With more than 4 million mobile apps in major app stores, discovering your app is one of the biggest problems facing mobile app publishers today. This is why it’s so important to understand app store optimization.

But what is app store optimization and how to make the most of it? You need to know the following information to help you rank better.


Table of Contents


What is Application Store Optimization (ASO)?

App store optimization is the process of optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in the search results of the app store. The higher your app’s ranking in the app store’s search results, the higher its visibility to potential customers.

Increased visibility often translates into more visits to application pages in the application store.

The goal of ASO is to attract more traffic to the app pages in the app store so that searchers can take a specific action: download your app.

The ASO process also requires a rigorous understanding of the target customer group, including keywords that potential customers use to find similar keywords to your application.

When you learn more about which keywords are being used, you will better understand the language of potential customers so that you can hone the best keywords to use.


Why is ASO important?

According to Forrester, 63% of apps are discovered through app store searches. This makes searching in the app store the most common method for discovering and downloading new apps.

Recently, on Google I/O, Ankit Jain reported: “For ordinary applications, search actually accounts for the vast majority of installations.” Simply put, this means:

If you are not using ASO to improve the search ranking of your application, then you will miss the largest discovery channel available for your application.

There are thousands of apps in each app store vying for each other’s rankings. The surprising reality is that most publishers do not invest in app store optimization.

Therefore, this is my gift to you: ASO is your secret weapon. Spend time each week to improve your ASO, which will have a meaningful impact on your app’s ranking and overall success.


How to help you improve your app ranking: the foundation of ASO

what I want to explain will be SEO basics.

If you are already familiar with the content of web search, there are still some key differences in the App Store.


Let us first break down the various components that may affect ASO:


The main ASO factors:


  • Title: The keyword placed in the title should be the keyword with the highest search traffic. Take the time to research which keyword, because changing the title too often can be harmful. As your app’s ranking rises and gets more reviews, your app news will be spread through word of mouth. Changing the title may make it difficult for words to spread in your application.
  • Keywords: In order to improve search rankings, you need to know which keywords are relevant to your target audience and are used most often. It is helpful to monitor your competitors to see how you compare each week.

In addition to the most important ASO factors, titles and keywords can be easily modified to optimize them regularly.


Secondary ASO factors:

Total downloads: The number of your downloads is important to ASO, but you cannot fully control them.
Ratings and comments: equally important and difficult to control. However, there are ways to motivate satisfied users to rate and comment
This is a complete breakdown of all the factors to keep in mind when optimizing an app for better ranking.




The title is our first impression online. This is what attracts you to read this article, and it is also what attracts users to use your application.

Using keywords in the title for optimization can increase the search ranking of the title by 10.3%!

Obviously, because the App Store is strictly regulated, there are some restrictions.

In iOS 11, the title only gets 30 characters, and keyword stuffing is a reliable method that may be banned.

Users should also be wary of downloading poor-looking applications for privacy reasons.

Think about it-would you like to use “Evernote” or “Note Notes” on your smartphone?

Optimize yourself wisely.

For example, Pandora did everything right.

Its icon is concise and clear, and its name is short, capable of holding three basic keywords.

When searching for “free”, “music” or “radio” in the App Store, you will find Pandora at or near the top.




Here, things get a little fuzzy. Technically speaking, the App Store algorithm ignores this description.

However, users are another matter.

Instead of optimizing for SEO, focus on explaining the features and advantages of your product.

And, although you seem to have a lot of space to do this, it actually doesn’t.

The truncated snippet is displayed on your product page, and some readers will click “More” to read what they don’t see here.

You can use 252 characters to promote yourself and convince people who are worth your download.

There is no extra space, you may need to test A/B several iterations to find the most suitable method.


Keyword metadata


iOS 11 provides you with 100 characters and enter keywords separated by commas.

These can help your app be discovered through search and related content.

There is no need to repeat the work here, so choose keywords that are not used in the title.

You can use Apple Search Ads for some in-depth keyword analysis.

This feature is only for iOS app developers and is a necessary tool for listing any items.

You can also use keyword research tools like Ubersuggest to find and test common keyword terms.




In the search results, a subtitle will appear below the title. This is also limited to 30 characters.

It gives you another opportunity to use more descriptive keywords.

For example, TypeShift uses spaces to enter its SEO.

This is a cleaner look and works well.

I still take the opportunity to use some keywords in the title, but this is beyond my control.

This is very helpful for my next topic.


App reviews and ratings

Customer reviews and ratings are important considerations for users (especially users who are not familiar with app brands).

Apps with higher ratings also rank higher. This brings up a tricky conundrum: You want more ratings and reviews, but if they are negative, you don’t. Therefore, you need a way to connect with customers within the application and provide them with a place to communicate and talk directly with developers.

On the other hand, you want to guide satisfied customers to leave positive reviews for you.

The top 100 free apps on the App Store have an average rating of 4 stars!


Quality is obviously very important.


The lower the score, the fewer consumers are willing to consider downloading.

Think about it. When was the last time you downloaded the single star app?

You may have rated an application with 1 star, but after downloading the application, the application may be rated with 3 stars or more.


Ratings also affect conversions.


Maintaining a higher rating is usually easier than raising the star rating from 2 to 4 stars.

This is why it is important to solicit customer reviews in the app.

One time is enough, it needs to be completed within the first 72 hours.

That’s how long 77% of users will use the app and never open it again.

It is also important to wait for customers to have the opportunity to use the application.

When customers complete certain operations, push notifications can be considered instead of based on timers.

The best time to do this is after the first stage of the game or after the customer sends the first message through your encrypted messaging app.

However, please try not to be too junk, and remember that the performance of your app may affect its score.

Ultimately, you want a glorious review page.

And don’t respond shyly to negative comments.

Mistakes or glitches since the correction are likely to lead to a poor customer experience.

Thank users as much as possible for their comments, good or bad, and the right questions. This is your time to gather valuable user feedback.

This is your time to gather valuable user feedback.




Ultimately, the important thing is downloading.

Application preview videos and screenshots can help convert indecisive users.

Both the App Store and Google Play Store use the number of times an app has been downloaded to determine ranking.

More specifically, this is the current download rate.

For example, although the total number of downloads of an application may reach one million, newer applications can get more downloads this month, thus beating it.

Preview videos and images may be the main factors.

Most of the top apps in the App Store use app previews to increase customer conversion rates.

However, once you have users, you need to keep them.

This is harder than it sounds, and Apple is paying attention.


What can you do to get more downloads for your app?


Improving your ASO is a good starting point. In addition, from app store descriptions to images, ratings/comments, and the presence of social media, dedicated to marketing your brand and apps to increase visibility, visibility and attractiveness.


Retention impact ASO


The retention rate is very important for the ranking of mobile devices, but the threshold is not set very high.

Generally, the retention rate in the first month is only 36%.

Breaking down further, we can view retention rates by industry.

Media/entertainment, lifestyle/travel and e-commerce/retail applications have the highest three-month retention rate.

There are many applications in the App Store, so users download so many applications that they will never use them.

A study found that Americans use an average of 30 applications every month, and 90 of these applications have been installed.

This means that even if your application has been downloaded, it is unlikely that it will not be used for the first 72 hours.

The time your app remains installed and the number of times it is used after installation can help the App Store search rankings.

Now that you understand how search ranking works, it’s time to explore the best practices for publishing applications to ensure that you can see and download the application.

Do apps with higher ratings rank higher in search results?

This test is done by randomly sampling keywords and categorizing them according to their rank-related difficulty.

A “simple” keyword will result in fewer than 25 apps trying to rank for that keyword. 25-100 applications contain “medium” keywords, while more than 100 applications contain “competitive” keywords.

According to this test, there is a clear trend showing that apps with higher scores also rank higher in terms of keyword difficulty.

Do apps with higher ratings rank higher? Yes it is.


in conclusion


ASO is a process that needs to be monitored and adjusted continuously over a period of time. The best keyword set is rarely the set of keywords you choose to put in the app store first.

In most cases, there is little or no research on keyword search before submitting the application, leaving most applications in a hidden state and the probability of discovery is low.

To reap the rewards of ASO, you need to invest time and effort. If you do this, you will have a consistent channel to drive traffic to your app.

For mobile applications, being discovered is one of the most difficult challenges, but you can use the above tips to actively solve this problem.

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