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How to pour silicone compound mold ring parts

How to pour silicone compound mold ring parts

The ring part refers to the part with most hollow structure in the middle and the material part is closed. In some assembled products, there are more ring parts. It also represents a large type of part in the complex ...

What methods can be used to process gear prototype parts

What methods can be used to process gear prototype parts

Gear parts are needed in some products. In order to design gears, prototypes of gear parts are generally required. Then, what methods can be used to process gear prototype parts? The following is here to introduce you. 1. Cnc ...

Big Data’s Impact on MedTech Apps

Big Data’s Impact on MedTech Apps

Thinking about MedTech without contemplating the impact of Big Data is equivalent to losing many opportunities for your business and your app. Thanks to the vast amount of information that can be collected through various touchpoints in the MedTech ecosystem, ...

Best Practices for Developing a FinTech App

App development, in some ways, isn’t unlike training a new employee to learn a fairly demanding job. You need to have a time-tested protocol, an experience-based strategy, and a firm timeline to get things done efficiently. You also need multiple ...