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The government removed 517 products from China through Apple

The majority of the apps taken down were related to illegal gambling or pornography, according to the feedback from the mainland China opinion report. A total of 56 requests for violations were sent, including 55 requests to take down apps, ...

Mobile App Engagement and Retention: Creating Addicting Apps

We all know that creating an app is as difficult as it gets. However, creating mobile app engagement and retention for your app might be even more difficult. First of all, mobile App markets are incredibly competitive. Data shows that ...

Operation Function Collection of Asm Backend

Today we’ll look at the second part of the interface and features of the official Apple Search Ads website – the backend actionable content, and we’ll cover each of the five account tiers. This week we’ll start with the Account ...

iOS 15: A Game Changer for App Store Product Pages

At WWDC 2021, Apple showed just how important they feel an app’s Product Page is with the announcement of three new features that are designed to help developers acquire more customers through the App Store. The three additions are: Custom ...

Super detailed process for creating ASA ads

When creating a campaign, you need to fill in some information, which can be divided into 2 parts: basic information and invoice information. Table of Content Setting up Campaign Information buy keyword downloads android google play store ranking algorithm buy ...

The Triple Threat to Data Security: Users, Activity, and Applications

Maintaining data systems security has become a must for any type of company. This article looks into unique and novel ways of understanding the most significant source of data threats in your company: local users. Three Types of Threat According to ...

ASA display volume is low? It’s probably because your product weight is too low!

We have repeatedly mentioned that product weight is an important factor affecting ASM ad bidding results because Apple will assign display levels based on product weight, so today we will summarize the ways to improve product weight. Table of Content ...

The number of education apps on the list increased significantly

The number of new education apps rose significantly, with elementary school students and homework helpers performing better; meanwhile, the number of game apps on the list decreased, and casual hand games were still the most popular among users; money-making apps ...

App Marketing 2021: The Basics on How to Market a Mobile App or Game

In this post we are going to learn the App Marketing basics. They are basics but I’m pretty sure a lot of people don’t know about them. So, here we go! No, I will not begin with the traditional SEO ...

P2P industry regulation moves frequently, accelerating industry reshuffle

Some third-party payment companies and banks have recently been interviewed by regulators and asked to prudently carry out or withdraw from P2P payment and settlement business, Caixin reported on Aug. 29. Table of Content Frequent regulatory actions in P2P industry ...