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App Localization: Yazio vs FatSecret

The practice of adjusting your application and its app store listing to appeal to multiple geographic target markets is known as app localization. If you want to take your mobile app or game global, it’s a practice you must engage in.

Growth and localization go hand in hand. It lets you expand your reach by not only making your app available to consumers in multiple countries but also making it more desirable and accessible to them. If you want to build a mobile user acquisition strategy with a wide reach, localization should be on your checklist.

Imagine finding an awesome app in the app store, but the content is in a language other than your native language (English). Would you download it despite the fact that you don’t speak English?

For a thing, you will not be able to understand any of the content in the metadata. This is where the importance of mobile app localization comes into play. Currently, English is not the most widely spoken language in the world. Even if your app has five-star ratings and glowing reviews, a non-native language speaker is not likely to download it.

Your app’s reach will be limited if you do not localize it for your potential consumers. It’s critical to create a mobile app in your target audience’s local language if you want to reach them. By doing so, you are going above and beyond to provide your customers with the best possible experience in their preferred language. Naturally, your app marketing strategy will also benefit from your efforts.

Increasing App Visibility with Localization

Yazio and Fatsecret are close competitors in the Health and Fitness category. With the Calorie Counter app by YAZIO, users can manage their daily food diary, track their activities and lose weight successfully.

Fatsecret users can keep track of their food, exercise, and weight, connect with a global community of people looking to make a change for the better and start losing weight and achieve their goals the healthy way.

Both apps are very similar in terms of the value they provide their customers and have an almost identical target audience so both apps must be keeping a close eye on each other’s App Store Optimization activities and Apple Search Ads Campaigns.

Below you can see that these apps have different visibility scores in different regions. We can infer that they are actively using App Store Optimization in order to localize their efforts in order to grow their apps in different locations.

Historically, FatSecret had always been slightly ahead of Yazio but recently Yazio has recently caught up to Fatsecret in terms of visibility score in the United States.

Increasing Local App Rankings

As you can see above, the localization of apps is crucial when it comes to maximizing their visibility in a certain region.

Through our localization tool, we can see that in the Czech Republic, Yazio has localized their title, subtitle, and description. which has already shown results. They have much higher visibility, many more ratings, and downloads. As you can see, while YAZIO has a category ranking of 18, Fatsecret has a category ranking of 465 in this country.

Below we can observe that in the US both apps are receiving a good portion of their organic downloads from similar keywords. We can assume that they have the potential to receive substantial downloads from similar keywords in their respective languages.

As we have observed in the above data, the localization of apps is crucial when it comes to maximizing their visibility in a certain region.

When given the choice between two similar products, customers are more likely to choose the one containing product information in their native language. This is when the importance of localization comes into play.

Increase Your App Rankings with Localization

Today, if you want your app to be successful on a worldwide scale, you must make it global. Localizing your application can result in a large boost in overall revenue.

Are you curious as to how? Because your app will no longer be limited to a specific country, but will instead reach out to different regions. By increasing your rankings in these regions, you will potentially receive more downloads.

Since your application will be used by a bigger audience as a result of translation, there will be constant user feedback. If you make the necessary changes and deliver what your users want, you’ll not only increase the quality of your app, but you’ll also improve the overall user experience.

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