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How Long Do Apps & Games Stay in the App Store Top Charts?

How Long Do Apps & Games Stay in the App Store Top Charts?

Have you ever wondered how volatile each App Store category is? We all know that some categories are more competitive than others, but it is unclear if the apps in these categories also stay in the top charts for shorter ...

Payment Gateways and How to Choose the Right One for Your Business

With the pandemic spiking, e-commerce sales and smarter hackers are popping up every day—so providing the optimal security for your business and your customers is vital. A secure and trustworthy payment gateway is a great barrier of defense against a ...

The Experts Advice on Your App User Acquisition Strategy

No matter how mind-blowing or life changing your newly developed app may be, how successful it becomes depends largely on the app user acquisition strategy implemented by the developers and marketers. With over 2.8 million apps available to Android users and 2.2 ...

Improve Your App Personalisation with Artificial Intelligence

We already know that artificial intelligence is set to shake up many different industries, with app marketing being one of the areas showing the most potential. Giving your user a personal experience is key to app user retention and engagement, and thanks to AI it ...

A Guide to Collecting Product Feedback

Markets move fast, leaving little room for delay; a trend which has left many product managers and marketers with a great deal of pressure to perform and achieve product excellence. For these teams, it’s all about getting the right products to market faster ...

App Store Strategy: How SaaS companies can improve their Customer Experience (CX)

App Store Strategy: How SaaS companies can improve their Customer Experience (CX)

Some of the best SaaS companies have achieved long-term success because of their obsession with the customer experience (CX). I mean, think of Amazon (US) and Uber. These companies are practically pioneers in the field of CX and look where’s it gotten them. However, designing and ...

Use growth hacker marketing to skyrocket your apps success

Table of Contents Use growth hacker marketing to skyrocket your apps success buy app rating buy ios installs   Use growth hacker marketing to skyrocket your apps success What is growth hacking? Growth hacker marketing is all about getting quick ...