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Factile Digital Marketing Case Study

Factile is a Free classroom learning ( and now remote learning) platform that lets teacher create engaging Jeopardy-style games in minutes. There are thousands of pre-built game templates which teachers can edit and use to create their own game for classroom. The platform makes learning fun for kids with flashcards, buzzer mode, multiple-choice and more.

The app when introduced was relatively new to the market with a few competing brands. The challenge was to create a new market and re-create the existing ones for Factile. Creating a new market space requires different strategic thinking. Instead of looking within the accepted boundaries and making plans seeing the competitors’ move.

We had to build the digital marketplace for Factile. Factile came to us for organic and paid marketing.

Building Digital Presence through Organic and Paid Marketing

As the app was developed for a new market, our task was to increase visibility on search engines and drive new users through paid marketing.

We shortlisted a few branded and non-branded keywords and started putting strategies into action to build visibility on it. And on the other hand, we started getting traffic and new users with paid marketing on Google Ads and Bing Ads.

The Results

We were able to triple the monthly revenue with our year-over-year Digital marketing services. The results are as follows:

● we were able to build 14% brand visibility with tripled the monthly search traffic via Search Engine Optimization

● Over 5000 monthly new users via Paid Marketing with Account Spend -36%. The cost per acquisition is less by -20%.

● We improved the organic rank of competitive keywords.

Factile Is A Free Learning Platform That Lets Teachers Create Engaging Jeopardy-style Quiz Games For The Classroom. It’s Free, Easy And Loads Of Fun!

Users can create an online quiz game board in minutes.

The App has 700,000 GAMES AND COUNTING!. It has 1M+ USERS and the games are being played in 190 COUNTRIES. The users of the app include Google, Apple, Harvard University, Stanford University, Princeton University.

app promotion

app promotion

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