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Three Customer Journeys for Acquisition

Three Customer Journeys for Acquisition

Experienced marketers know the score: attracting customers can be expensive and time-consuming. The cost of acquiring customers has increased 50 per cent over the past five years, with no sign this trend is going away. That makes it more important than ever ...

The 3 Key Ingredients For Breaking News Alerts

The 3 Key Ingredients For Breaking News Alerts

2021 has seen no shortage of breaking news. Whether it’s the global pandemic, the polarized political landscape or natural disasters, this year has delivered more newsworthy events than any year I can remember. In the midst of this most active ...

ASA display volume is low? It’s probably because your product weight is too low!

We have repeatedly mentioned that product weight is an important factor affecting ASM ad bidding results because Apple will assign display levels based on product weight, so today we will summarize the ways to improve product weight. Table of Content ...