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Predictive marketing explained

The role of a user acquisition manager has drastically evolved throughout the years, becoming greatly significant with increasingly challenging tasks. UA managers often struggle to find effective ways to optimize their campaigns and obtain high-quality users. Many BI solutions and ...

Tinder, Lyft pair up to help ‘post-lockdown daters’

Dive Brief: Tinder members can gift their dates a Lyft ride through the dating app as part of a partnership the companies announced in a press release this week. Additional features are set to roll out in the coming months, and exclusive ...

Free Sources to Master App Advertising

The mobile environment becomes more competitive every day, which makes it very hard for apps, especially for new ones that need to stand out and get the attention of potential users. App Store Optimization is a great way to improve ...

We’ve previously talked about the most unsettling, if you will, feature of iOS 14: the limitation of the IDFA. With the reveal of iOS 14 at the 2020 WWDC, Apple had announced that developers would have to specifically ask users ...

What Is a Technology Agnostic App Development Partner?

There is no single answer as to what a technology agnostic means. For some, it means being able to look at different information technology tools from an outsider’s perspective. That is, being able to have an unbiased look at various ...