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Big Data’s Impact on MedTech Apps

Big Data’s Impact on MedTech Apps

Thinking about MedTech without contemplating the impact of Big Data is equivalent to losing many opportunities for your business and your app. Thanks to the vast amount of information that can be collected through various touchpoints in the MedTech ecosystem, ...

7 Recent AI Developments: Artificial Intelligence News

7 Recent AI Developments: Artificial Intelligence News

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the major developments of our time. In particular, Machine Learning, and the implications that go with it, is shaking up many aspects of how we do things, allowing us to deploy AI software where we ...

Why Data Privacy Is the Number One Priority

Why Data Privacy Is the Number One Priority

Since data has become more transparent, the importance of data privacy has become a major issue. When a company operates in a data-driven environment and when the data accuracy becomes a major competitive advantage, some companies, unfortunately, resort to underhanded ...

Apple App Store & Google Play Store User Conversion

Apple App Store & Google Play Store User Conversion

Growth is a process with many small pieces. You have to make the right decisions consistently in order to reach your goals. This is the case for both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Sometimes you might ...