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Big Data’s Impact on MedTech Apps

Big Data’s Impact on MedTech Apps

Thinking about MedTech without contemplating the impact of Big Data is equivalent to losing many opportunities for your business and your app. Thanks to the vast amount of information that can be collected through various touchpoints in the MedTech ecosystem, ...

7 Recent AI Developments: Artificial Intelligence News

7 Recent AI Developments: Artificial Intelligence News

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the major developments of our time. In particular, Machine Learning, and the implications that go with it, is shaking up many aspects of how we do things, allowing us to deploy AI software where we ...

The single-app strategy: Yes or no?

The single-app strategy: Yes or no?

A question we often get at Localytics: Does it make sense to have a single-app strategy, i.e. one main app where your customers engage with your brand/product at a single destination? Or is it better to have 5-10 apps that ...

How to Measure ASO Success in 2021

The success of a mobile app is never built overnight – it takes a lot of time and work, and it’s all about a deep understanding of the processes, measurement of the results, and analyzing the effectiveness of certain marketing ...

How Faceu successfully Ranked to TOP1 of the App Store Free Chart?Guide & Experience for App Promoters

How Faceu successfully Ranked to TOP1 of the App Store Free Chart?Guide & Experience for App Promoters

Today, the ASO World technical team will share with you the process and experience of Faceu becoming TOP 1 in the App Store free chart in just 3 days.   Table of Contents Guide & Experience about Faceu successfully Ranked ...

How to Create Apps, App Development Tech

Want to learn how to create apps? This article will provide a basic overview of the steps you’ll need to take. Maybe you already have some ideas for an app, but if you don’t you’ll need to start brainstorming.     ...