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What are Cloud Mobile Apps?

What are Cloud Mobile Apps?

If you’re interested in mobile app development, you’ve likely wondered what are cloud mobile apps? Mobile cloud apps are one of the latest innovations in app development, and they offer businesses and developers a lot of advantages over traditional native apps. ...

What Is the Difference Between Continuous Testing and Test Automation?

What Is the Difference Between Continuous Testing and Test Automation?

Continuous testing in DevOps is a modern approach to software testing and app development. As the term would suggest, this approach involves performing testing during every stage of the software development life cycle. Typically, the continuous testing approach is part of a broader ...

FinTech Trends During the Pandemic

FinTech Trends During the Pandemic

FinTech apps have been around for years and offer a host of benefits for users. From apps that help users manage their payments to those that track their stock portfolios, there’s a FinTech app for everyone. However, given the way ...

Things You Should Do Immediately After Launching Your App

Things You Should Do Immediately After Launching Your App

Congratulations! After months (maybe even years) of development, you’ve finally launched your mobile app. Now it’s time to kick back and watch it rise to the top, right? Wrong. If you think after your mobile app launches the heavy lifting ...

The Hidden Value of App Store Rank

The Hidden Value of App Store Rank

In the mobile app space, there are endless combinations of advertising strategies and campaigns based on an app’s unique goals, but mobile app marketers all start off with one goal in mind: Drive downloads to increase rank in the iOS ...