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A look at video ad creatives from top tv streaming apps

This is the first post of our series focusing on ad creatives used for different kind of apps. And we start by taking a look at how TV streaming apps advertise when running app install campaigns. To do this we leverage ad ...

Top Shopping Apps Worldwide for 2022

The above chart shows the Top 10 Shopping Apps Worldwide in February 2020 for the App Store, Google Play Store, and both stores combined. While Amazon and Wish are fighting for the number 1 position in both stores, Wish seems to be the overall ...

App Localization: Yazio vs FatSecret

The practice of adjusting your application and its app store listing to appeal to multiple geographic target markets is known as app localization. If you want to take your mobile app or game global, it’s a practice you must engage in. ...

An Inside Look At the Call of Duty: Mobile’s Ad Strategy

Since its release on October 1st, Call of Duty: Mobile has become one of the most successful launches in the history of mobile games. The game rose to first place in both overall and games categories in as quick as ...

MobileAction Partners with Venture Capital’s

While most hyper-casual mobile games prefer the Video format for their advertisements, casino apps are different. They have a higher percentage of HTML ads. Total averages of ad types App Store Vs Google Play Store The google play store favours ...

Getir: Delivering Success

The rapid delivery company Getir, based in Istanbul, Turkey, announced that they have raised 128 million dollars in a funding round according to Reuters. The app allows users to order anything they need from a variety of 1500+ groceries. It is safe ...

Best Social Networking Apps to Keep an Eye On in 2021

People are spending an increasing amount of time on social media apps after being locked in their homes. In terms of app marketing, some apps have performed better than others during this period. While the top five apps haven’t changed ...

How Nigerian companies can grow on mobile

It’s impossible to talk about the African mobile landscape without mentioning Nigeria, the continent’s most populous nation. The country is currently undergoing a digital revolution, led by a very young population with an average age of 18.1 years. According to the theory ...

Is Apple Search Ads the New Gold?

In times of uncertainty, the finance world flock to the old trusted stalwart – gold. Over the last 18 months, the price of gold has hit an all-time high. I believe the same uncertainty is upon us in the advertising ...

Google Steps Up User Privacy with ‘Safety Section’ Announcement

It’s time for our weekly round-up of the latest tech news, where we cover top stories and must-know announcements within the mobile industry. Let’s get to it! Google Play Unveils ‘Safety Section’ for Apps Following in the footsteps of Apple’s ...