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Advanced laser technology a weapon to improve the level of automobile manufacturing

Advanced laser technology a weapon to improve the level of automobile manufacturing

In recent years, with the continuous progress of science and technology, advanced manufacturing technology represented by laser technology is continuously promoting the upgrading and innovation of the automobile manufacturing industry, and its application in automobile processing has become more and more extensive. Compared with traditional manufacturing technology, laser technology has many advantages such as non-contact processing, high precision, high flexibility, high efficiency, high automation and strong adaptability. It is used in the fields of cutting, welding, marking and surface treatment. Shine. This article focuses on the rapid development of diversified automotive varieties and the rapid transformation of automotive sheet demand from large-scale to customized production. It focuses on the current status and trends of automotive sheet laser high-speed blanking, body-in-white laser online welding, and automotive parts welding in automotive applications. . (more…)