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Companies Bringing Blockchain To Healthcare

Companies Bringing Blockchain To Healthcare

Blockchain is a digital technology that refers to all way secure, transparent, and publicly available ledger that allows you to make transactions securely in a systematic way.  You can transfer credits to others using a private key. It also records ...

The Advantage of Being Remote Ready

The Advantage of Being Remote Ready

Face-to-face conversations are the preferred way by many people to share ideas, but due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, this has suddenly become a luxury. Many companies and their workers are struggling trying to figure out how to operate productively ...

Deep Learning Applications for FinTech

Deep Learning Applications for FinTech

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are revolutionizing the world. New technologies like Deep Learning are helping FinTech companies design and implement new financial products and services. From B2B to B2C financial companies, this technology has the power to create amazing ...

FinTech Trends During the Pandemic

FinTech Trends During the Pandemic

FinTech apps have been around for years and offer a host of benefits for users. From apps that help users manage their payments to those that track their stock portfolios, there’s a FinTech app for everyone. However, given the way ...

The Move Toward Digital Banking: How to improve the Transition for Traditionalists

The Move Toward Digital Banking: How to improve the Transition for Traditionalists

The pandemic has affected our way of life in numerous ways, one of the most significant being how we interact with one another business-wise, especially with regard to financial transactions. Although many people have been able to adapt to the ...

App Pre-Launch: 10 Strategies for Success

App Pre-Launch: 10 Strategies for Success

Have you considered doing some app pre-launch promotion for your new app before it’s actually ready to hit the market? Most companies sadly don’t, and the truth is that by doing so they would be gaining some precious traction.   ...

4 Ways to Collect User Feedback Before Launching a Mobile App

4 Ways to Collect User Feedback Before Launching a Mobile App

The best fight is the one that doesn’t even take place. It’s a great expression that fits in many walks of life, including application development. Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store have thousands of apps with low ratings ...

7 Recent AI Developments: Artificial Intelligence News

7 Recent AI Developments: Artificial Intelligence News

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the major developments of our time. In particular, Machine Learning, and the implications that go with it, is shaking up many aspects of how we do things, allowing us to deploy AI software where we ...

The Difference Between APIs and SDKs

If you’re new to app development, you might be wondering what the deal is with the SDK vs API debate. APIs and SDKs both play a vital role in the development process, but they are two distinct tools that may ...

Mobile App Vs Web App: What’s The Difference?

Mobile App Vs Web App: What’s The Difference?

Wondering about the mobile app vs web app differences? Although it sometimes feels like these two are the same, in reality, they are two completely different things, especially when it comes to the technologies they use and the capabilities they offer.   ...